Monday, May 9, 2011

Funny Girls

I know it's not possible but I wish I could remember every funny / cute saying or action my girls do. I guess this blog is going to have to be my memory for me. :) I often will write things on facebook as they happen but they only save your comments for so long so need to remember to come here and write them for myself.

The day after my last post Bekah was talking about marriage again and I told her she was too young but we could talk when she was 25.  Her response..."But mommy, I can already talk!" 

Currently they are "square dancing" -- their version which consists of putting four square papers on the floor and dancing around them! :)  So creative that Bekah is!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I hope my girls remain "innocent" for a long time. I love that we are able to keep their lives fairly simply at this point.

Last night while watching a Disney movie the two main characters held hands for the first time and Bekah said "Awwww, they are going to get married!"  :) 

Today while playing with a friend who is a boy - she said to him "I want to marry you - hold my hand!"

We had their first dentist appointment today for both girls. They both did a great job. No cavities for either one and overall look really good. Yay!