Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Fresh (safe) Start

I started a new blog for a few different reasons. I guess the main reason is that we don't live in a perfect world. Our last blog was very open about our names, locations, etc. I am a very trusting person..sometimes too trusting. I have a hard time believing that people would intentionally be evil - although I know it's true. I know that there have been times in my life where I have hurt others - intentionally or not. However, it is beyond my comprehension that there are people out there that would stalk and prey on innocent young children.

We recently had a speaker at work that talked about personal safety. He was a police officer from the area and he had some really good ideas. I think some of his ideas (such as not having any pictures at work of your children or family) were a little far fetched. As a police officer - then yes, I could see that. But I think there are a lot of jobs where you would probably be okay. However, his talk made me realize that I need to be a little more cautious. Hence the new blog, ...a fresh start...a new beginning of hopefully a more consistent blog (although I have learned to not make promises). On this blog I will be calling our children by their middle names...just so you know.

When trying to think of a new name for our blog I tried to be creative. There are some cute names out there - but nothing I could compete with and you can't really "copy" a blog name - especially if you are a regular reader of their blog. I thought about "Just another mommy blog..." but that seemed a little self-deprecating and I want to be more then "just another..." So then I thought about what is important in my life, and what do I write about; what is important to me.

My family and my faith are my two most important facets of my life. They are the pieces that I want to share the most of, that I want to be most known for.

So my next step was to find a verse from the Bible to represent both. I thought of several. One of which is my all time favorite and I consider a life verse - Jeremiah 29:11-13. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. But that didn't seem to fit just right.

Later that week I was reading a book and this verse popped out at me. James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father." and the light bulb went off!

That is a wonderful verse to share with others to describe our life - my life. I have been blessed with many wonderful things! I am in continued amazement with how full my life is. For those that are new to my blog here is a super quick replay of my life. (I'll start after college to keep it short).

The Lord led me to a unique teaching job. As a result of that I ended up owning my own business educating students. I was making good money and was happy but by early thirties I had given up hope of ever having a family of my own - or even getting married. In the Spring of 2004, just before my 35th birthday, a friend recommended that I try E-Harmony. I went online, looked at it a little, filled out the profile and was pleased with the matches I received but still didn't hold out a lot of hope. I signed up anyway and paid for a full year. Well, much to my surprise soon after joining I started conversing back and forth with a gentleman who reminded me much of my father. August 28, 2004 was our first date -- it lasted 10 hours. Valentine's day, 2005, we got engaged and we were married August 27, 2005 -- 364 days after our first date!

I had warned Les that I would probably not ever be able to have children. I have HAIR-AN syndrome and so doctors had told me that the likelihood of me conceiving naturally was slim. I had spoken to my doctor about some fertility medication and Les and I had talked about adoption. Imagine our surprise and joy to find out I was expecting the day before Mother's Day, 2006 (while on birth control). Our oldest daughter Joy was born December 22, 2006 and came home on Christmas Day!'

In April 2007 Les and I purchased and moved into our house.

In November 2008 our second daughter, Grace was born.

In January 2009 we got a mini-van.

We are certainly looking forward to 2010!!! :)

I know that I have no one to thank but God for these blessings. It certainly isn't anything Les or I did to receive such gifts. We certainly don't deserve them but we are thankful each and everyday for them.

I am not a theologian. I do not pretend to understand how God works. I am not the person to ask "Why, then, do bad things happen to good people?" or even "Why do good things happen to bad people?" Have we had heartache and pain - sure. Have we had it even close to the extent of others -- no way. I can't explain why. I can't explain why I was born in America, given the family I was given. I just know that I need to be thankful to God each and every day for what He has given me. I also know that He is in control. That God sees the big picture. My job is to continue to trust in Him and do what I can--to train up my children in the Lord, to be a neighbor and a helper and friend to those in need, to give of myself, my time, my money.

So anyway...welcome to my new journal. I am hoping that now that it is fall and we are settling into somewhat of a routine my time for blogging and reading your blogs will increase! I hope everyone had fantastic summers!

God Bless!


Christy said...

I have become a follower!! Glad to see you blogging again, I've missed you blogging!

God Bless

Anonymous said...

Looks great! I deleted my blog partially for that very reason and will have to make a new one, I think I was too open about the names of my children and where we live etc.

Clickin Mama J said...

Hey Janis-

I like your new blog. The colors are great! I had no idea you met your hubby on EHarmony. I have been thinking about doing that but had never heard of any "real" success stories. Now I may have to check it out.