"They" predicted rain for Easter Morning. As the week progressed "they" kept changing, and changing and changing...and sure enough we awoke on Easter AM to beautiful sunny blue skies and warm weather. I was so thrilled - a perfect day to celebrate the risen Christ!
Okay - I have to admit - I was also thrilled that my girls could wear their cute little Easter dresses and sandels without having to bundle them up. (It still is sometimes all about me! lol)
After a glorious Easter service where God was glorified again and again we traveled north to a friend's house for Easter dinner. Kathy is the mother of one of my dearest friends - Julie. For the past 20+ years I have been welcomed in their homes and lives for numerous holiday and personal celebrations. For many of those years I spent those celebrations chasing and playing with one or all of my four godchildren. That day there was a little bit of payback occuring as I got to sit and chat with the adults while my godchildren entertained my little ones!
My girls love to be outside. They kept the kids busy going in and out of the doors - Lizzie only tried to walk through the deck screen once. :) Quick learner.
They had an egg hunt for the kids. Bekah LOVED it. She has a good eye and found many more than she was supposed to so we snuck some into Lizzie's basket so it was fair. She didn't mind as long as she could keep looking.
"Grandma Kathy" bought them each Easter baskets. Bekah's was a brown puppy dog; Lizzie's was a hippo. What was so funny was that Bekah's "security" is a brown puppy she calls "Favorite Puppy" and Lizzie's nighttime friend is a Hippo - how's that for perfect!
Rebekah was a bit overwhelmed when we first got there because there were many face she didn't know - many of those people she was meeting for the first time. She spent the first half hour on Daddy's lap and then once she realized some of the other kids were watching Aladdin she started poking her head out. Lizzie, on the other hand, is not shy at all. She just would walk around and around saying "hi" to all and sitting on any lap that would let her. Once Bekah warmed up though she was fine to be away from us for periods of time. Her favorite time - after the egg hunt, of course - was telling Carly what to draw in chalk. (In case you couldn't tell in the last pic that is our family! Bekah, of course, is covering up the pic of Lizzie!)
I hope you all had a fabulous Easter!
The time is short--Christ is coming soon. The only way to really know the Lord is through His Word- the Bible.
Please check out: biblefortoday.org
The DEFINED KJV Bible! Wow!
Take care, friend.
Tom S
Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70.
Jesus is Lord.
Cute...real pretty. Ever notice that little girls love to get dressed up and little guys never want to wear that suit and tie for Easter.
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