Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Minnesota Weather Confusion

** Another post written a while back!

We live in MN - a land of 10,000 lakes and weather that changes every few minutes - or so it seems some days.  It's hard to be three in MN and after months and months of having to wear coats and boots and hats and mittens and scarves and layers upon layers to suddenly be free from all that. We finally had a nice warm day after a cold, cold winter. We loved playing outside but Bekah just was not sure about being out there without boots. It's hard to give up those habits. She wanted to wear her coat too but after figuring out it didn't fit over the wings she was content to go outside without it.


Shelly said...

I found you!, oh friendly neighbor!

Unknown said...

Too cute! Being orginally from Duluth I can relate to you about the changing weather! We are now stationed at Fairbanks, Alaska and the weather reminds me so much of MN.