Friday, January 7, 2011

How to get a 3 year old to pick up the living room...

Rebekah loves the Wii - LOVES the Wii!  Before she turned four she had mastered several of the games. Her favorites are on the Wii sports resort game which came with the Wii. She likes a few of the games on the Wii Fit but I don't need her getting focused in on weighing in at this point in her life. We haven't purchased any of the "kids" games yet but if anyone has any recommendations we are willing to listen.

Anyway, often after dinner, Bekah asks to play the Wii with Daddy or myself. One night I told her there just wasn't room because of all the toys on the floor. Next thing I knew she was picking up all those toys and putting them away!  Whoo hoo. So far it has worked just about every time. Sometimes she states she can't do it all - which is understandable...we have too many toys and certainly need to go through them...again. But she does do it - without complaining and we do help her as it's only fair. :)

She also certainly has the gift of encouragement. Since she can beat me often you can hear her saying "Come on Mommy, you can do it!"  I do believe that is one of her gifts - words of encouragement.  


1 comment:

Missie said...

OMG she's getting so big! Whatever works to get kids to clean up, use as much as you can.

I used to sing the Barney song, Clean up clean kids loved Barney so that always worked.

Happy belated New Year!